Tuesday, February 2, 2016


On December 16, 2016, my good friend Jessie Kilguss and her fantastic band made the journey up the Taconic to California Hill. They popped the cork off the champagne bottle and christened the ship, so to speak, that is "Live From California Hill." This was the very first installment of what will be an ongoing series of live performances from the studio in the woods.
Jessie is a vey talented singer/songwriter who I had the good fortune to meet while we were both performing at an event called the Bushwhack Book Club, hosted by Susan Hwang. The BBC is an ongoing musical book clubbing which every participant reads a book, writes a song about it, and then meets at a club or bar to perform the songs. It is a great time and a much better way to express one's opinion about a book, good or bad, if you ask me, than just yapping about it.
So here I present Jessie and her band doing "Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight" which also happens to be a song inspired by a book, or at least it's title. Enjoy!

Jessie Kilguss - vocals
Mason Ingram - drums
John Kengla - bass
Kirk Schoenherr - guitar