Every few years I ask myself the BIG QUESTION, which is "Why do I make music?" Making art is really hard. It is thankless, time-consuming, and very rarely makes any money. Since the dawn of the internet, the music industry no longer exists. People consider music a free commodity. Yet there is something in my psychic make-up that pushes me to continue to write songs, record albums, and play live shows. It is the most rewarding of useless pursuits. Let me try to break it down.
Playing music is the best and worst thing I know. Being on stage is like doing heroin and crack at the same time. When I'm on stage, nothing else matters. It is a beautiful orgasmic feeling of love and completeness. So I keep doing it. It is wonderful. If you know what I mean, you know. If you don't know, come to the show. And if you are an investment banker, or you work for a hedge fund, or some other job where you make money off of other people's creativity, or if you are a DJ, then FUCK YOU.